Victoria season 3 renewal: Why the wait?

Victoria season 3 renewal

We’re getting awfully close to the Christmas Special coming onto ITV later this year, and with that CarterMatt has one question on our minds: Why is there no Victoria season 3 renewal? Why are we still waiting?

On the surface, it appears as though this is something that should be commissioned already by ITV. Its ratings are solid on the network, it has a breakout star in Jenna Coleman, and this is a show with enormous international appeal. One of the challenges with many shows that come on British television is figuring out a way to make them appealing; With this show it’s almost a self-starter. Even if you are relatively ignorant on British history there is a reasonably good chance that you are aware of Queen Victoria. You understand that she was one of the most famous rulers in the history of the country and with that, are probably inclined to check the series out.

If there is a reason on the wait for a Victoria season 3 renewal, the only thing that we can possibly fathom at the moment is this: The network wants to formally announce the renewal at the conclusion of the Christmas Special. The logic in doing that is that it attaches a nice little button at the special’s end to get people excited about more of the series.

The only reason that the wait is so curious is because last year, ITV was not anywhere near as hesitant on making it clear that there would be more of the show coming your way. They made that announcement in September, whereas this time around it is December and nothing is altogether official. It’s easy to assume that Victoria is going to be coming back for a third season, but it’s nice to have that little bit of extra validation to ease some of the anxiety.

Do you want to see a Victoria season 3 coming on the air? Be sure to share some of your thoughts in the comments below!

Meanwhile, be sure to visit the link here to get even more news on the show, including a full review for the finale! Also, you can also like CarterMatt on Facebook for some additional insight on everything we cover. (Photo: ITV.)

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