Doctor Who season 11 visual change coming — how will this season be different?
We’ve learned today that there is a massive camera change that is going on behind the scenes for the hit BBC series, and one of the intentions there is to give the show a more cinematic feel that will allow fans to view the world in a different way. It’s a modernization of a show that needs to continue to stay up to date on many of the latest trends and with there being a new doctor, now seems like the right time to make this cinematic change.
To get a little bit more news on the switch, Dave Wride of Films at 59 (the production house supplying many of the show’s sets in Cardiff) had the following to say per the Radio Times:
“The BBC have made a monumental leap here to enhance the look of Doctor Who and I’m sure the fans will not be disappointed with the distinctly cinematic results that this lens and camera combo will afford them.”
This change is brought on in part by new showrunner Chris Chibnall, a man who likely knows that he needs to make an impact on the series right away. He’s already taking a big risk with casting Jodie Whittaker (there’s already been a lot of unnecessary backlash over the Doctor being a woman without giving her a chance) and likely understands just how fickle and quick viewers in 2017 can be to make up their minds on something. He needs to figure out a way to grab their attention immediately — a great way to do that is by presenting them with something that is different visually to anything that they have seen before.
The one caveat here, and it’s a major one, is that you don’t want to present anything that is so different that you don’t recognize it as the Doctor Who brand. There’s something to be said for change, but there still needs to be that Doctor Who feel as well.
What do you think about a change to the Doctor Who visual style for season 11? Do you think that it is needed? Be sure to share now in the comments!
Meanwhile, be sure to visit the link here in the event you do want to hear about some other news/updates on the series. Also, you can like CarterMatt on Facebook to get more insight regarding this show and some others we cover. (Photo: BBC.)
Peter Evans
December 2, 2017 @ 9:08 pm
Ah. The many, many fans and viewers who are opposed to this casting decision are simply mindlessly fomenting an “unnecessary backlash.” They couldn’t possible have a reasoned and principled basis for their refusal to accept a blatantly ideologically-driven act of stunt casting, of course. So they must be thick, backward-looking misogynists. Probably racists too.
The plummeting viewing figures during Capaldi’s ill-fated tenure had nothing to do with the relentless, scornful Third Wave Feminist misandry that Moffat laced the scripts with. The abandonment by viewers wasn’t remotely connected to venomous male-despising PC messaging, dressed up as ‘humour’. Dialogue that, had the genders been reversed, would have led to howls of outrage and demands for cancellation.
Parents love their little boys to hear this stuff while they’re watching TV entertainment so that they can learn just how vile and evil and stupid males are.
The public clearly love having venomous misandrist Third Wave Feminist propaganda rammed down their throats while watching Doctor Who, just as they loved the radfem reboot of Ghostbusters in 2016. The only reason they turned away in droves was that there wasn’t enough radfem propaganda in it, and it wasn’t obtrusive enough.
The Doctor has been a male character for 13 of his incarnations. If he could have flipped gender at any point (like flipping a coin), as that male radfem weasel Moffat wants us to believe, he’d have defied odds of 8,192 against in remaining male. So, casting a female Doctor couldn’t possible have anything to do with the present day’s undue, unaccountable, unelected, influence of Third Wave Feminism over corporate policy or its sequestered popularity amongst well-heeled virtue-signalling luvvies like Moffat and Chibnall.
Sorry, but those of us who despise this ugly supremacist hate movement, those of us who loathe its deranged identity politics and its pathological loathing of men and boys, will not be tuning in for either the Christmas Special or the new ‘Radical Feminist Propaganda Hour’ the show will become in 2018. No amount of new camera technology can rescue that.
RIP Doctor Who, November 1963-June 2017. A beloved sci-fi series and a peerless male role model slain on the altar of misandrist femiStalinism.