NCIS season 15 episode 5 sneak peek: Reeves’ friend is kidnapped

Revees' friend

When NCIS season 15 episode 5 airs on CBS Tuesday night, you will see the most powerful story for one Clayton Reeves yet. There are important cases and then there are personal cases; for Reeves, this falls more into the latter.

As you can see in the video below, Duane Henry’s character bears witness to something that could be potentially traumatic both for him and a friend of his — he watches her get kidnapped right in front of him, and because of where he is there is not a whole lot that can be done about it. This is going to lead to an investigation, one that puts the agent in an extremely compromising spot.

As we recently reported, one of the reasons why this could become a significant issue is because Reeves is secretly in a battle with addiction, and because he knows his friend through Alcoholics Anonymous, he cannot publicly disclose some of what he otherwise would for the sake of helping her to escape from this situation. We anticipate that, as a result of this, we’re going to see what is a difficult and very challenging case for him where he has to make difficult moral decisions in order to figure out how to best handle this and try to move forward.

What we appreciate about the episode the most on paper is the opportunity to see Henry shine with this caliber of material. We obviously know that he is more than capable of delivering on both this and anything else that he is given, but this will be one of his best venues to show some of that during the past year and a half that he has been a part of the show. It will test him emotionally and it should also be interesting to see how the team supports him given that this is one of the few teams that his NCIS colleagues have seen him this.

Beyond this, we do of course have plenty of questions regarding what the role for Jack Sloane is going to be within this episode, as well! This is, after all, just the second appearance that we’re getting for this character to date. We imagine that this is going to be somewhat of a slow play, and we’re going to have a chance to get to know some more things about her as time goes by. Maybe that will include a big spotlight episode of her own.

What do you think about this NCIS season 15 episode 5 sneak peek?

Do you think Reeves is going to be able to step in and help in plenty of time? Be sure to share in the comments below!

Meanwhile, head over to the link here in the event you want to get some more news when it comes to NCIS later this season and like us on Facebook to get some more insight on this and some other shows we cover. (Photo: CBS.)

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