Gotham video: Sofia Falcone & Oswald Cobblepot make arrangements

Sofia Falcone & Oswald Cobblepot

What is coming up for Sofia Falcone & Oswald Cobblepot on Gotham season 4 episode 5 on Fox Thursday night? Basically, what we are getting a major sense of entering this episode is that the relationship between these two characters could be so much more complicated than it’s been since her arrival in the city.

With Sofia, one of the larger questions you have to wonder relate to her motives and her sense of power. She understands, perhaps as a part of growing up under Carmine Falcone, the best way to navigate difficult situations. Sometimes, it’s okay to lean into what some other perceptions of her — including ones where she could be interpreted as some sort of young, naive figure who could be easily manipulated. If she can make the Penguin feel as though he holds some sort of power or gets something essential from her, he is inclined to listen and get, in part, under her spell. This is something that you can see more of in the sneak peek below. She waltzes into his office, tells him that he needs her, and proposes that the two dine out in a public place to present a united front.

Perhaps what Sofia Falcone knows better than anything is that Oswald wants ownership. He wants to be able to stand in front of the masses and say that he controls everything. This is something that the Falcone family once did, even more so than he is now. This is why Sofia is valuable — also, what Crystal Reed brings to the table is both an ability to play these moments powerfully and then also a subtlety that keeps her somewhat grounded and allows her to play into misconceptions. It’s a part of what makes her character a fascinating part of this world, and what we’re watching for at CarterMatt when we watch tonight.

Beyond what you see within this preview there’s so much more to come in this episode, including a chance to see Solomon Grundy in a substantial way. Gotham made you wait for the big return of Drew Powell but it seems as though it could be very much worthwhile! Beyond just this, the video below (which comes via BUILD Series) also gives you a chance to learn more about Reed herself in a venue that is a little more long-form and intimate than most other videos. There’s a reason why long-form interviews are becoming more appealing; we are almost flashing back to the days of radio in how soundbyte interviews, while they still exist, are not necessarily as prominent as they once were.

What do you anticipate coming for Sofia Falcone & Oswald Cobblepot next?

Share some of your thoughts on that subject right now in the attached comments! Meanwhile, be sure to visit the link here in the event you want some more news regarding this episode and Grundy.

Meanwhile, like us on Facebook to retrieve some additional news and insight on both Gotham and everything we cover. (Photo: Fox.)

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