Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: Who won Head of Household? (day 59)

Head of Household

You’ve been waiting a long time to see who won Head of Household on Big Brother 19 — three hours after the show ended on the East Coast.

So … who’s got the power for the week to change the game … or do nothing and be pretty much the same as the last few Heads of Household? Well … there’s some Christmas Joy in the house! She’s been wanting to have power in the game for a while, and she finally has some this week. This is significant given that she mentioned wanting to shake up the game in confessional tonight. Whether or not she does that in the end, however … well, it’s not looking all that good.

For now, Matt and Jason are on the block, and superficially this looks like she’s just setting things up to backdoor Mark a little bit later. He has won several competitions in consecutive weeks, so there is a logical reason to take him out now before he has a chance to win again. There’s also a good reason to get rid of Matt or Jason, if for no other reason than that the two parties are both competition threats in theory and haven’t really ticked anyone off. They are both in tight-knit pairs, as well — Matt has Raven, and Jason has Alex. Remove one of them from the equation, and the game becomes a little bit more chaotic.

If we were Christmas, we’d made the move now and take on Matt. This gets rid of a blind follower of Paul’s while also not leaving too many people angry at her. She’ll also have Mark’s undying loyalty for a while. It’s a risk since there is a chance Paul objects to it if he’s got a chance to take out Mark, but we figure that she wants to win this game. That’s at least our delusional belief, given that there are plenty of people this season who seem fine to just talk about eating cereal and meatballs. (The biggest winner of this HoH is Josh, given that he’s Christmas’ #1 and he has a chance now to compete in the next competition.)

What do you want to see the remainder of the week on Big Brother 19? Be sure to share now in the attached comments!

Also, you can head over to the link here in the event you do want some additional news when it comes to the show! (Photo: CBS.)

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