Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: Head of Household updates (day 16)

Endurance Head of Household updates

Tonight, Big Brother 19 finally aired the first live eviction show, and it’s crazy everything that has transpired. Now, how about some Endurance Head of Household updates? We’re going to be offering them up throughout the night.

Going into this, the people who were clearly in the most danger were clearly Cody and Jessica — that was bad news for Cody, since he’s not eligible to play and there is a very good chance that he’s going to be going on the block next. If this is a traditional endurance competition, then the odds are high that the people who will be aided the most are people like Alex, Paul, Raven, and Ramses — small people, and in Paul’s case, someone experienced with doing it.

As for Christmas, she’s pretty much screwed from the start thanks to having a broken foot. At least this is a competition that she in theory can do, right? She just has to find the right tickets and hit the Candy Crush target in time. After that fight with Jessica tonight, she certainly needs it.

Be sure to refresh this article as the night goes on for more.

7:08 Big Brother Time – CBS promoted that the competition would be on feeds. Alas, no feeds yet.

7:21 – Yep, still nothing. This is getting a little ridiculous, no?

7:26 – The feeds have been going on and off for a little while now, and it seems that there’s some serious rules confusion going on.

7:31 – What makes this challenge difficult is two-fold, given that you have to both find the tickets and then also try to navigate your ball.

7:40 – There was a lot of crawling around and a lot of near-tackles (or at least that’s what Kevin wanted), but in the end, we did in up getting a Head of Household declared in Paul! This is what some other players wanted, given that he can take out Cody / Jessica. They’ll certainly be his nominees, and Ramses / Alex are suitable backup plans. This is not the week to be crazy — just make the nominations and then lay low for the rest of the week. It does help him that he’ll be safe for one more week and shouldn’t have any consequences immediately of what he does here.

Ironically, this HoH win does put Paul even more on a Neda trajectory. Remember what happened with her on Big Brother Canada after she got safety and then won an HoH competition?

What do you want to see happen this week in the Big Brother game? Be sure to share in the comments!

For further news…

Be sure to head over here! That includes our review for tonight’s episode. Meanwhile, be sure to come back tomorrow for our latest interview with executive producer Allison Grodner. (Photo: CBS.)

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