Big Brother 19 episode 5 review: Was Jillian Parker, Christmas Abbott evicted?
The start of the episode was easily one of the best parts of the whole season so far, mostly because it was entertainment gold to watch Christmas completely lose her cool all over everyone else over the fact that Cody put her on the block. Paul was upset, Christmas was upset, and even Cody’s alliance were all upset about it. At least kudos to Raven, Elena, Matt, and the rest of Paul’s allies for working to reel him back in. They were fairly successful in that endeavor, or successful enough to win people over.
Personally, the part of this that we loved more than anything is Cody acting like he was completely innocent in everything nominating people from both sides. Then, he got up and left the moment that Jessica was reaming him out over it.
Now, the scrambling can begin, and that it did! Paul and others fought hard to keep her in the house, and as a result of that, there were some people who did flip — and then there was Mark, who didn’t want to.
Christmas’ injury
This was tough to watch just like it was tough to see the aftermath of it on the feeds. She broke her foot after goofing off with Jason in the backyard; luckily, she was able to stay, but this was certainly touch-and-go for a few hours since this isn’t your everyday Big Brother injury. You gotta love Christmas for being a trooper with this, right? So many other people would’ve just given up and left the game after this.
One interesting change that the show made as opposed to what was actually happening in the house was that they painted it as though it was Mark who was the swing vote. In reality, it was actually Josh, but that was probably too quick an edit for the producers to really want to make, especially since he’s barely been on the show since the first night.
The vote
The moment that Kevin, a possible vote to evict Christmas, voted to evict Jillian, it was clear how this was going. It was 8-4, with Jillian ultimately being the one sent home. She didn’t see it coming, based on how her jaw was on the floor at the end of it. BLINDSIDE. Gotta love that. Also, Cody interrogated Mark mere seconds after the vote happened. Also, Jessica got in Christmas’ face and we had one of the best confrontations that we’ve seen after an eviction vote in quite some time.
Basically, Jillian’s downfall was that she didn’t do much of anything. She was a decent social player, but she got way too comfortable and didn’t campaign a lot to save herself. Her exit interview with Julie Chen was super-awkward and uncomfortable; we wish we could’ve just gone back to the Christmas / Jessica fight.
Head of Household competition
It’s about candy, and also about finding tickets and being able to exchange them in order to take shots at the giant Candy Crush board. Sure, this is all product placement, but it’s bright and colorful and we don’t mind that. It’s also something that Christmas can do.
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Be sure to share some of your thoughts on this episode, and the eviction, in the attached comments. (Photo: CBS.)