Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: Delusions of grandeur (day 14, ‘evening’)
With that, please indulge us as we give you the latest update from the live feeds a little bit earlier than usual. This one mostly just has to deal with all sorts of delusions that are going on, both in terms of inside the house and house.
Let’s start here with delusion #1, which is Jessica repeatedly insisting for whatever reason that Jillian is staying this week and that she and Cody are going to break the tie. We don’t blame her for having some confidence, but she has far too much and she’s not doing a whole lot in terms of effectively campaigning against Christmas. Her and Cody’s main argument seems to be something akin to “stick to us because we’re awesome and our plan is awesome,” and this isn’t going to fly in the house now.
Jessica is specifically over-estimating the loyalty that Kevin has to the alliance, but he’s not the only person in her group with Cody, Alex, Jillian, Jason, and Ramses that she really needs to worry about. (You can read a little bit more about that over at the link here.)
This brings us over to delusion #2, which is Jillian really not doing much when it comes to convincing other players in the game that she should stay. Does she think that she doesn’t have to? She’s come to life a little today, but Christmas has blown her FAR out of the water in working with people like Mark, who has definitely been on the fence for a while now. She really earned his vote, and that is something that Jillian has not done at all.
Now, we go outside of the house…
We do want to spend a moment and address delusion #3, which has started up on the internet thanks to some conservatives convinced that they want to help Jillian stay in the house because she is a Donald Trump supporter. The amount of inaccurate information that they are spewing about the show and how voting goes is pretty appalling, including that they have a whole lot of say beyond the power to vote for the Den of Temptation twist.
Oh, and they also seem to be ignoring the fact that Jillian was nominated by someone in Cody who proclaims to be a libertarian, and at the very least isn’t as politically opposed to conservatives as liberals also are. What we’re trying to say is keep politics out of the game. Are we more inclined to root for people with whom we share similar political beliefs? Sure, but we also don’t want the outside world dictating the game because of that. It would be like someone else generalizing someone to a singular element of their personality and that being the sole reason for their support. There are people out there now pulling for Jillian who have probably never watched a single episode of this show. It’s almost like all of those American Idol haters voting for Sanjaya without having to hear him sing.
Other ugly news
Jason used a gay slur late this afternoon. Why, Jason, why?
Anyhow, that’s it for now. Happy Fourth, everyone!
We’ll be back in the morning to cover some more action from the Big Brother live feeds. In order to check some more of that out, head over to the link here. (Photo: CBS.)