Blue Bloods season 8: How to use Henry Reagan

Blue Bloods season 8

Let’s face it: It’s still a long time until Blue Bloods season 8 premieres on CBS. It’s also been a long time since Henry Reagan had much of a focus article here on the site.

The eldest member of the Reagan family has been a part of the show since the very beginning, but unfortunately, he is often relegated to exposition and various commentary on everything from the case at hand to advice from his long and storied life. He’s a likable guy, and we have had some opportunities here and there in order to see him out in the field. He still has a lot of old contacts from the NYPD, and it’d certainly be great to see them integrated even more into the show.

So how could Henry be utilized moving forward? Let’s just say that we’ve got a few suggestions on that subject below.

1. Love interest – His wife has been dead for many years now, and there is something wonderful about the message that love can happen at any point in life? While he doesn’t need someone new to be fulfilled, it would make for a fun new dynamic both for him and for the family dinner table to inject some new blood in there.

2. More one-on-one scenes – We often see Danny, Erin, and others have scenes with Frank, and it makes sense for a couple of different reasons. After all, Tom Selleck is the star of the show, but using Henry’s wisdom is something that every character could use.

3. Throw him undercover – We do think that someone with Henry’s police knowledge is integral to being able to extract information, and because people tend to be more trusting of older people, there are some fun creative opportunities that could come from this.

4. Flashback stories – Can you either set a few stories back when he was in charge, or even when he was working his way up the ranks? The more we find out about the past of the NYPD, the more interesting the present could be.

5. Put him in danger – While it’d be horrifying to see something happen to Henry (and we hope that it wouldn’t), it could be great material for Len Carlou to take on.

What do you want to see on Blue Bloods season 8 from Henry Reagan? Share in the comments below!

(Photo: CBS.)

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