Grey’s Anatomy season 13 finale spoilers: Alex’s risk; Meredith’s surprise

Grey's Anatomy season 13 finaleWith every Grey’s Anatomy finale, they blow the doors right off the hospital! The season 13 finale will prove itself to be no exception when it airs this week. The title of “Ring of Fire” conjures up simultaneous images of Johnny Cash and the end of the world, and with it being Grey’s Anatomy it really could be. Meanwhile, the events from last week’s episode will bleed into the next chapter in a way that disrupts the entire universe of the series as we know it. Even without a natural disaster or a plane crash, the writers can still rock the foundation of the Grey Sloan hospital.

Before diving into our thoughts, a good starting-off point is the official synopsis courtesy of ABC.

Grey’s Anatomy season 13 finale synopsis – “The doctors’ lives are at risk after a dangerous patient escapes the hospital room. Alex must make a hard choice in his relationship with Jo while Meredith has some big news for Nathan that brings things to a turning point.”

When pondering over Alex’s choice, much of it may pertain to his latest efforts regarding her estranged husband. Is ignorance bliss? Is knowledge power? Based on the revelations on the last episode, these are issues and questions he must consider. The wrong move may sever the relationship for good, but he may be too far in at this point to do nothing. Alex and moral quandaries seem to go hand in hand, mostly because of his proclivity to NEVER leave anything alone.

In regards to Meredith, expect this news to be life-changing in its own way. Pairing the two up proved to be an exercise in patience, alternating between action and indecision. The two came together miles into the sky, and now are more locked in than ever before. Maggie showed resistance at first, but that was due more to Meredith’s dishonesty than the objection towards the relationship itself. She’s an adult, and understands that sometimes, life throws curve-balls.

As this is a Grey’s Anatomy finale, it’s time for everyone to prepare for anything to go down. Get your boxes of tissues, your cell-phones charged for live tweeting, and your popcorn to throw at the TV if Shonda Rhimes chooses to kill someone off. Anything and everything is possible, save for course for Ellen Pompeo departing at this point. (If that happens, Twitter spirals into its own ring of fire.)

What do you want to see over the course of the Grey’s Anatomy finale? Proclaim your expectations below!

Meanwhile, take a look at the Grey’s Anatomy archive on the site for more of the latest news on the show. (Photo: ABC.)

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