Once Upon a Time season 6 episode 16 sneak peek: Is Henry possessed?

Once Upon a Time season 6 episode 16 sneak peek:

We’ve got a new Once Upon a Time season 6 episode 16 sneak peek for you below, and as a quick warning, the odds are pretty good that watching this one could be a cause for you to freak out.

In this sneak peek, things start off fairly normal — at least for this show — as you get a chance to see Henry working with Regina as she looks to find a way to cure a spell. Even though she has figured out many ways in which to stop her darker side’s antics in the past, she is still trying to come up with a proper way to stop the sleeping curse that is plaguing Snow and Charming. When you stop for a moment to consider just how long that curse has been going on, it’s easy to forget for a minute that it’s happening thanks to the way that the show’s being edited at the moment.

At the end of the preview is where things start to get very strange, as you start to see Henry’s eyes turn white and he starts to furiously scribble down odd signage onto a sheet of paper. Is this some sort of odd side effect to being the author? That’s not something that we’d personally write off. Yet, the same could be said for it being a possession or some other spell handed down by Gideon. Think about this for a minute — if you are Gideon, finding out that Henry is an author and trying to poison his mind would be a really effective way to go about business. If you can manipulate history, there is a reasonably good chance that you are going to be able to get what you want.

In this episode, Gideon is going to do his part to try and convince Emma Swan to help him defeat the Black Fairy. The problem for her, and in turn the problem for everyone, is that we’re not all that sure that Gideon is the sort of person you want to trust. We’re pretty sure that it isn’t worth it based on the evidence.

For some further news when it comes to Once Upon a Time leading up to Sunday’s episode, be sure to check out a promo for it!

Also, let us know in the comments what some of your theories are when it comes to Henry’s odd behavior. (Photo: ABC.)

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