When will Savitar return to The Flash season 3? Prepare for a Barry Allen showdown

Savitar -

While the third season of The Flash is still a rather great one, there is a void right now that is coming courtesy of the absence of a Big Bad. Savitar still exists within a universe, but he is not an active threat thanks to the events of the first part of the season. The main danger furthering the narrative is the possible death of Iris West, and that’s been made complicated by the fact that you’re trying to put together an elaborate set of metaphorical furniture without any instructions. You’re winging it, and hoping that you don’t break a pice or two along the way.

So when will Savitar return on The Flash? We’ve reported already that his presence will be felt on the upcoming March 7 installment entitled “The Wrath of Savitar.” However, you may actually see more of him in the flesh on “Into the Speed Force,” which is the episode airing on March 14. This episode will fittingly feature Barry looking to the Speed Force for answers as to how to stop the God of Speed once and for all.

Could this serve as an opportunity to see Black Flash on the show? It’s possible in theory, but we figure that in the immediate future, the priority seems to be more highlighting more of what’s coming in terms of Barry and this Big Bad. (Black Flash is very much connected to Legends of Tomorrow, so there is a further purpose for the character beyond just this show.)

Also in this episode…

Per The CW, Violett Beane will still be around as Jesse Quick in this story, and she’ll look to H.R. in order to make an important decision. This dynamic is probably one of the elements of the show we’re the most interested in exploring at present, largely due to the fact that he’s not really her father, but could be thrust into this position more if she stays on Earth-1 and Harry is over on Earth-2.

What do you think will happen when Savitar returns to The Flash, and when do you think the show will catch up to where it was in the premonitions of the future? Share in the comments! (Photo: The CW.)

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