‘Secrets and Lies’ season 2, episode 8 video: Eric faces the aftermath
Tonight, we’re going to be getting closer to the end of “Secrets and Lies” season 2, and with that, we’ll be seeing some more reactions from what Eric did recently in regards to Patrick.
Did he really kill Kate? Judging from the sneak peek below, it feels clear that he certainly seems to think so. He makes that very much clear, and we would imagine that to go along with this, he will continue to be on a warpath in order to prove it further. This is a man who is understandably emotionally broken over what he’s been through, so he’s going to be fighting for what is in his mind an interpretation of justice.
Herein lies the potential problem with this said interpretation: There is always a chance that he was not the guilty party, and all this ends up amounting to is a witch hunt with no clear end in sight. Everyone else seems convinced that while Patrick may have had his problems, they don’t think that he was capable of something as severe as murder.
We presume that you are going to get your answers on both this and many other things when this new episode of the show airs in a matter of hours — and by “answers,” we at least mean “more information to carry you into the finale.” We certainly don’t think that the producers are going to lift the veil on what actually happened until the final minutes of the final episode, which could end up in turn being the final episode of the whole series.
If you want to get some further news right away when it comes to “Secrets and Lies,” be sure to head over to the link here! We’ll have some further news, including an additional preview for the finale, coming up later tonight. (Photo: ABC.)