‘Elementary’ season 5, episode 8 video: One of the grossest cases around

ElementaryWho doesn’t love the science of food? We know for us, this is something that we always find to be very interesting when it is explored on “Top Chef” and some other shows that are out there, and with that, we were very much intrigued to see it become a focus of the new episode of “Elementary” airing on Sunday night.

With that being said, the sneak peeks below make it clear that this is, to quite a certain song, weird science just as much as it is food science. Who feeds someone a sausage made of another human who may have potentially had a horse tranquilizer within them? It’s one of the most unusual premises we’ve ever seen for a case, but that is precisely what we’re looking at for now. This murder is connected in some way to a lab, who is working on a series of experiments involving the artificial meat industry, and apparently, one company may have placed a mole within another judging from the third one of the sneak peeks below. Who knew that this industry is so competitive?

For those of you do watch and enjoy “Elementary” for the brilliant detective work, there’s probably a good bit in here for you to like. For everyone else, there are still a few funny moments here and there.

As for the other major storyline of this episode, it’s not featured here but we can tell you that it revolves around Joan doing just about everything that he can in order to figure out if her partner has relapsed, given that a recent pattern of missed meetings is starting to turn up.

If you are interested in getting some additional news when it comes to “Elementary,” be sure to head over to the link here right away! (Photo: CBS.)




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