‘Supergirl’ season 2, episode 7 video: James Olsen does his best Oliver Queen impression
Tonight’s new episode of “Supergirl” is coming in a matter of hours, and one of the primary themes of “The Darkest Place” seems to be exploring what it’s like for James Olsen to be out there on the streets with a new alter ego of Guardian.
In watching the new sneak peek below, it’s pretty darn easy to draw some big parallels between this character and Oliver Queen over on “Arrow” — both wear elaborate costumes, both have a knack for fighting on the streets, and neither have the aid of superpowers at their disposal. The only big difference is that at least Oliver can probably breathe a little easier in this costume. Also, we imagine that it’s pretty tough to see out of this helmet!
Nonetheless, the Guardian costume is as a whole awesome, and we like the idea of seeing some of the supporting cast out there trying to make a name for themselves in a way that is not just “sidekick” to some of the power who are really ruling the roost. For someone like James, after all, we imagine that it has to be a fairly difficult pill to swallow knowing that there’s almost nothing he can do on most of the missions. He’s a strong, prideful guy, and not the sort of person who is going to take being sidelined particularly well — even if it is for his own good.
Moving further along into this episode, one of the other major questions remaining is simply whether or not we are going to have a chance to see Kara learn the truth about what her one-time love interest is doing. For the time being, it doesn’t seem like this particular reveal is in the cards, but who knows? We’ve absolutely been surprised in the past by how fast these CW – superhero shows move along.
Want some further news right now on the subject of Monday’s “Supergirl”? Then just be sure to head over here! We’ll be back with a full review a little bit later tonight. (Photo: The CW.)