‘Grey’s Anatomy’ season 13 winter finale video: Jo Wilson faces complications

Jo -Tonight marks the winter finale of “Grey’s Anatomy,” and for the character of Jo Wilson, early signs certainly suggest that she could be facing one of the most difficult situations she’s encountered in her entire life.

With that, we bring you to the new sneak peek below, where she meets up with Andrew DeLuca to inform him of some bad news via a court order: She’s being called in to testify. What this means is rather simple, but potentially rather terrible: If she is asked on the stand to testify, and the lawyers point out that there was a time when Jo Wilson as a person did not exist, she could run the risk of having her husband find her. She’s been able to hide out because of a false name all of this time, and this is a part of her past that’s been almost impossible for her to escape.

Herein lies one of the big dilemmas for DeLuca as the finale nears: Does his desire to get justice for what Alex did to him supersede any level of concern that he has for Jo, a woman he’s grown close to over the past several episodes? Maybe he gets Alex convicted, but if Jo’s real name is found out in public record, there’s a good chance that she’ll either have to leave or run the risk of being found. He may not want that.

The only other solution here is to figure out precisely who is calling her to the stand, and find a way to convince them against doing so, even if it hurts the case in the end. Maybe Andrew tries to win this without getting Jo involved, which may be a difficult proposition.

One way or another, we imagine that this finale’s going to be rather intense, and set the stage for some big things coming up as we get closer to the end of the season.

We’ll be back later tonight at this link with more “Grey’s Anatomy” news, including a full review for this episode. (Photo: ABC.)

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