‘Gotham’ season 3: Robin Lord Taylor offers perspective on Oswald, Nygma
Will Oswald Cobblepot and Edward Nygma be together romantically on “Gotham” this season? We have utterly no idea. When the idea of the relationship first came out a few episodes back, we were admittedly all for it just from the vantage point that these were two similar, like-minded souls who were suffering, and looking for someone who could be there for them. Since that time it’s felt a little bit more unlikely, largely because Nygma’s feelings shifted clearly in another direction.
In theory, though, we’ve had no issue with the idea of these two getting together, and what was really nice was getting to hear precisely how Robin Lord Taylor perceives the relationship. In a video (via FanGeek) from Rhode Island Comic-Con (thanks to TVLine for uncovering this), the actor starts things off by discussion his perception of the relationship itself:
“I find him to be an emotionally fractured person, emotionally vulnerable. After the deaths of his mother and his father, coincidentally both dying in his arms, the person who was there, gave him respect, and was there for him was Nygma. I truly believe that had it been Barbara, Tabitha, or Butch … I believe that had it been anyone else who’d been there in that same capacity, that he’d had that same connection with — regardless of if they were male or female — he would’ve had that same obsession.”
From here, he went into more of what actually troubles him about some of the fan reaction, and at first it’s not necessarily what you would expect:
“There are people who reach out to me saying ‘I have no problem with him being gay or queer or anything, I just have a problem with you guys changing or altering the canon and a canon character.’ I just have to say that that’s a bunch of horses–t. You can’t say that to me if you didn’t have the same amount of consternation about Batman ’89, where the Joker killed Batman’s parents. That’s a complete departure from [the canon]. You can’t tell me that unless you were just as upset that in our own show, we have Batman and Catwoman growing up together and running around Gotham City … which is changing canon characters.
But, if you come to me saying ‘I’m okay with you being queer, but I’m upset that you’re changing a canon character.’ What you’re saying to me is ‘I am homophobic and I am afraid of gay people.’ That’s exactly what you’re saying.”
At the end of this, Taylor dropped the mic, and that seems about 100% perfect. We’re enjoying this story, so we’ll see where it goes in the final weeks of the fall season.
Want to preview Monday night’s new episode of “Gotham” further? Then be sure to head over to the link here! (Photo: Fox.)