‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: Justin clues Jason in on the plan; Whitney’s big news

Justin -You can argue that Justin may or may not be making some of the right moves on “Big Brother OTT” this week, but we’ll at least give him credit for this: He’s actually playing the game, which is more than we were able to say about him many weeks ago.

Yesterday, he and Kryssie made an agreement with Shelby and Morgan in order for all of them to work together for the time being — while neither Justin nor Kryssie want this to be the final four, the idea now is to use Shelby’s Head of Household to try and take out Danielle from the game. It makes some sense, given that she is a huge threat in challenges and hasn’t received a Care Package just yet.

Now comes the riskier part of it: Justin cluing Jason in on said plan today, saying that he didn’t want to see him get blindsided and nominated for eviction without a prior warning. In one way, this is a really smart thing for Justin to do since he ensured that he was the first person to go to Jason with the news. He didn’t hear about it elsewhere. Yet, at the same time Jason may feel slightly off about not being included in the plan. With Justin, he did vocalize that he was surprised Kryssie had not come to him with this information. Maybe this is Justin trying to make sure Jason chooses him over or Kryssie down the line, but he’d still be silly to do that given that Kryssie’s got almost no chance of winning this at the end.

Justin also told Jason that he would use the Veto to take Morgan off the block this week, in the event that she is put up by America. Right now, it’s down to either her or Kryssie seemingly.

Before going for now (we’ll have results of the Safety Ceremony a little bit later), congratulations are in order for Whitney! She just got home, and she is now engaged to Winston, her boyfriend who supported her back home. (Photo: CBS.)

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