‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: Was Kryssie or Alex named America’s nominee?

Kryssie -There are always questions we have regarding “Big Brother: Over the Top,” but today many of those questions were more prominent than ever. After all, we had one of the most contentious battles for America’s nominee we’ve seen in quite some time. The choices were mostly boiled down to either Alex or Kryssie. The Misfit fans were easily the most vocal on social media, but given the current way in which voting is done, posting about things on Twitter doesn’t necessarily equate to millions of votes.

Still, we entered today thinking that Alex would probably be America’s nominee, mostly because that’s the way that many recent votes have gone. Also, Shelby in our mind botched some of the own gameplay yesterday, so it almost seems like karmic retribution to continue this things going slightly in this direction.

Ultimately, Jason called everyone into the living room just after 10:00 a.m. Big Brother Time, where it was officially revealed that the third nominee was … Alex! The Misfit fans continue to win out in the polling. In terms of support, we give the Misfit fans props for the move, since they’re really coming out in numbers now and we’ve gotten the sense that they’ve got the opposition a little disillusioned.

Are we a little frustrated that Kryssie, easily the worst player in the house, continues to get a pass? Absolutely, especially since so many fans complain about someone like a Victoria staying in the game despite doing almost nothing; yet, they openly support someone here who not only doesn’t do much, but also goes around and farts on Shelby’s pillows and tries to still act like she’s one of the “good guys.”

The reality still after this is that America’s nominee doesn’t really mean all that much, given that there are still a wide array of directions in which the votes could go depending on the Power of Veto Competition a little bit later. For example, there are very few scenarios in which the Veto is not used, and even with that there are questions surrounding who will vote for who. Justin and Jason have tried to make it look like they’re distancing from Danielle, but that’s not entirely the case and part of it has been a ploy against the Ballsmashers.

For more news from the “Big Brother OTT” live feeds, head over to this link right now! We’ll be back later to break down what happens with the Power of Veto. (Photo: CBS.)

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