‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: After a lengthy Head of Household Competition, the winner revealed

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Typically, the Head of Household Competitions for “Big Brother OTT” run fairly short, at least in comparison to some of the epic ones that you get sometimes for the flagship show. Granted, part of that may be that these start so late to begin with, or that it’s just cheaper for the most part to run shorter competitions.

Still, we had one tonight that theoretically could have run a long time since it was a timed competition which was basically a modified version of the good-ol’ face-morph challenge we’ve seen so many times before. The remaining players had to match up people, and there were many people who, to be frank, were completely terrible at this. Alex was in the lead for a long time, and she didn’t exactly rock this out. Part of the problem here is probably pressure, and the whole notion that this is one of those challenges that everyone looks at and goes “oh that’s easy,” when in fact it’s incredibly difficult and almost impossible to conquer without a little bit of luck and a lot of focus.

Luckily, Shelby just so happened to have both, and she CRUSHED this. Nobody before her even got closer, and the people who went after here were stopped the moment that they didn’t complete it in her allotted time. She’s won the power for the first time! Given Shelby’s personality, this could be fun.

The issue for the Ballsmashers now is the winning HoH this week doesn’t mean a whole lot, given that America’s Care Package will assign another Head of Household, and then there is also another nominee from America. If there were more people voting this week, we’d say that the co-HoH wouldn’t matter much, but in this case it does. Let’s say, for example, that Jason gets the package and nominates Alex while Shelby nominates Danielle. Then, America nominates Kryssie. The voters would by Whitney, Morgan, and Justin. Even if Whitney stays with the Ballsmashers and votes with Morgan, America could tie up the vote between Alex and Danielle/Kryssie. We don’t know who breaks the tie in this case. There’s a slight precedent for the Veto winner doing it, but that was years ago.

Congrats to Shelby! We’ll have more on what happens next tomorrow. (Photo: CBS.)

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