Is ‘Bull’ episode 6 new tonight? Why Michael Weatherly series was preempted

Bull -

Tonight news for everyone hoping to see more of Michael Weatherly, Freddy Rodriguez, and the rest of the gang over on “Bull” tonight: It’s not gonna happen. Despite previous plans to put a new episode on the air, CBS is opting now to go to repeats. This was a last-minute decision, so much so that they had already released promos and sneak peeks for the episode before deciding to keep things in repeats until November 15.

Just in case you’re wondering about the reasoning for such a move, it’s really twofold.

1. The World Series is entering game 6. The plan here for the network was probably to air a new episode in the event that the Series was over, and while we understand that, to us we think it would’ve been SO much smarter for them to opt against ever promoting an installment here at all.

2. The election coverage. Even if there was no World Series, we do think there are many people out there preoccupied thinking about many things that don’t have anything to do at all with watching a scripted show.

Will waiting until November 15 end up hurting the show’s ratings at the end of the day? We admit that we’re a little bit worried about that just because it is a long layoff for any new show to withstand. Still, this one has a great lead-in courtesy of “NCIS,” and also a really strong lead in Weatherly with a devoted following. It’s better being off the air for two weeks and then trying to run against baseball and then the election itself next week. Any show that airs against that may as well have a death wish.

We did recently share a promo for what would’ve been tonight’s episode of “Bull” here, just in case you did want to check that out. (Photo: CBS.)

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