Donald Trump won’t return to ‘Saturday Night Live’ in least-surprising news ever

SNL -We’re not sure who in the world out there thought that Donald Trump would be returning to “Saturday Night Live” at some point in the future, but here’s a word to the wise: It ain’t happening. It won’t be taking place now, and it probably won’t be taking place three months from now.

In a new interview with “Extra,” the Republican Presidential candidate continued to make it clear that he is no fan of the impression of him that is being performed on the show by Alec Baldwin:

“I think I’m a much nicer guy than he’s portraying. He’s portraying someone who’s very mean and nasty, and I’m not mean and nasty … It’s an inaccurate portrayal of me … They want me to go back, [but I’m not interested since they’re] making me out to be a very mean, bad kind of a guy and that’s not me.”

Now, the whole “they want me back” statement may be a tad dubious, given that this is something that Trump has claimed with a number of late-night shows before. He made a similar argument with “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” a show that “banned” him over the offensiveness of some of his comments in their eyes; meanwhile, he also proclaimed that “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” invited him on several different occasions to be on the show, which Oliver himself refuted, and even said that he double-checked just because Trump said his comment with such conviction that he thought maybe someone, somewhere on his team might’ve accidentally invited him.

The big reason we feel like Trump will never appear on “SNL” again, at least from the show’s point of view, is that the show hosted by him last year was so poorly received, and it feels like most of the cast members seemed to not have that much fun with it. We cannot speak for the network, but we get the sense that there are some who regret that he ever hosted that show in the first place.

There is no new episode of the late-night staple on NBC this weekend; however, “Sherlock” star Benedict Cumberbatch will be back on November 5 for the final show before the Presidential election. (Photo: NBC.)

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