‘Victoria’ season 2: Premiere date hopes for Jenna Coleman series

Victoria -

Tonight on ITV, the eight-episode first season of “Victoria” is going to reach its dramatic peak, and then disappear unfortunately for the remainder of the year. There was a time when we wondered if this was going to be it for Jenna Coleman and the rest of the cast, but we are at the very least pleased to say that this is not the case, and that the series is going to be back for more.

At the moment, the show’s future is mostly a question of when. Given that ITV already renewed the series for a second season, there’s no reason to worry about that. Much of its future now comes down to finding the right spot for the series and then putting it on the air. Is fall that “right spot”? We would answer that question with both a yes and a no, since it is ultimately rather complicated.

Here is the good news: The show’s proven that it can handle airing against some tough competition. Both it and “Poldark” are quality series with large followings, and while they can coexist, it makes more sense to maneuver them so that neither is up against the other. It would help each one of them, and better pave the way for the future. Maybe this is something ITV will look at once they get into the spring, a time when they may be looking more at that closely.

As for how long we think “Victoria” could go on for, most of it could just be up to the interests of the network, the creative team, and the cast. There is certainly no shortage of story surrounding the life of the revered Queen, and she lived for so long that this series could make a career for Coleman in itself.

This is the question we want to ask you as we conclude this piece: How long could you see “Victoria” lasting? Share now in the attached comments. (Photo: ITV.)

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