‘Arrow’ season 5 spoilers: Don’t expect Oliver / Felicity romantic reunion soon

OliverThe fifth season of “Arrow” will be spending a lot of time, at least during the early going, on furthering along a new sense of self. For Oliver Queen, that means trying to handle a new role of Mayor while still being the Green Arrow and a trainer to other vigilantes out there. Meanwhile, for John Diggle that means trying to figure out how to find his inner peace after killing his brother. Meanwhile, Felicity is trying to wrestle with the chaos that came with her own decision with Havenrock at the end of last season.

Speaking to TVLine, executive producer Wendy Mericle made it clear that for Oliver and Felicity in particular romantically, trying to figure out how to move forward as a pair just doesn’t seem possible. For at least a little while, they’re still going to be trying to figure themselves out:

“They’re both in crisis mode. Oliver’s got two really big jobs, and [Felicity] is spinning out about Havenrock … Until they’ve gotten some clarity for themselves, there’s not much room for the relationship side of things.”

If or when they do get back together, we hope that there is a sense of fun and lightness about it rather than all of the angst and the melodrama that we saw at times during the past two seasons, we remember back during season 2 when we found ourselves really rooting for the two of them; their relationship felt like a fun extension of the missions and the show, rather than everything else revolving around the romance. It’s a key point of emphasis that should be looked at as we move into the later seasons.

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