‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Eviction expectations and the future

Michelle -Thursday night’s “Big Brother” show is right about here, and it may be one of the most predictable ones of the season when it comes to what is going to happen. After all, Michelle is going home pending a last-minute change, and it certainly seems like the vote will be obvious. Nicole and Corey have shown zero sign of flipping, and at the same time Michelle, James, and Natalie have done almost nothing in order to change their minds. At the end of the feeds this afternoon, we saw absolutely nothing to signal that this will change. Maybe someone will clue them in before eviction, but otherwise it’ll be a “blindside,” but not really. Meech already assumes she’s voting out.

So, instead of plotting how to stay in the game, Michelle seems to be thinking more about how she can embarrass people heading out the door. She’s talked a little about wanting to dump baby powder on them, and in general we expect her to be insanely bitter even though she doesn’t have that much of a reason to be.

Anyhow, we don’t want to harp on Michelle for the remainder of this article, so instead let’s hard on Natalie for a minute since she claims that she’s going to target Nicole and Corey rather than Paul and Victor if she is betrayed by them. Basically, that’s terrible if she decides to do that since you may as well hand Paul and Victor the money then. Both are far more likely to win the game than anyone else in the house.

The last thing we can say for now is that everyone in the game will be shocked to learn that this is a regular eviction and not a double, as many of them suspect.

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