TV Friendships: Where could ‘Agents of SHIELD’ season 4 take Coulson, Daisy?
“Agents of SHIELD” is a series about not just heroes, but the relationships that they all share with one another. Therefore, we are very much excited to see how all of them evolve over the course of season 4.
For the sake of this particular TV Friendships piece, though, we want to specifically put the emphasis on Phil Coulson and Daisy Johnson, given that they have shown themselves to be one of the more interesting pairs on the show. They’re that rare male / female friendship that is not romantic, and while there are some father / daughter vibes here, we think of them more as a mentor and someone who occasionally challenges them, even though there’s still that respect there. It’s unfortunate that the two have been forced into so many bumps in the road as of late.
Where we left off – After being indoctrinated by Hive and going dark, Daisy eventually started to find her way back. However, the season finale basically rained down chaos upon everyone with the deaths of Hive and Lincoln, two people she cared about at various points. (Or, technically we should say that she cared more about Ward than Hive.)
By the end of the finale, we eventually saw Daisy on the run, with Coulson in pursuit. Some time had passed, with Phil no longer serving as Director.
Where they go from here – For these two, the first step of repairing the relationship is about trust. It’s not as though Coulson was a blatant liar to her, but he needs to make her feel like she can be safe with SHIELD and that it’s okay to still care for others and allow yourself to attach. Part of her rogue behavior now may be because she thinks it’s the right way to help. That’s not entirely true.
If we were Phil, we’d work on rebuilding the bond by looking back at their shared past, sharing a few happier moments, and then also peering towards the future and what their plan could be. Remind her of the merits of having a family. We do think she’ll be back eventually, but there’s not necessarily any telling when.
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