‘Big Brother 18’ episode 32 review: America’s Care Package is (thankfully) over
Sunday night’s “Big Brother” episode had a rough task in cramming the events of Thursday plus an endurance competition, nominations, and the final America’s Care Package all into a single episode. It succeeded in that, but at the same time we wish we had more of Paul and Victor on Thursday … since that was crazy. The events leading to the nomination ceremony were fairly boring.
With that being said, we did see a particularly risky move from Paul in opting to go up on the block against Michelle. While it’s dangerous, his reasoning was sound: He needed to show Nicole that he trusted her beyond a doubt, and if he didn’t agree to be a pawn, he could have shifted to become a target. He knew that Michelle was the target, after all.
While we do believe that Paul is the best player this season by a good margin, we’re not discounting Nicole, either. She’s got a lifeless ally in Corey who will do whatever he is told, and nobody other than Michelle is targeting her. That was made all the clearer tonight.
In the end, this was a pretty run-of-the-mill hour, but here are a few things that stood out.
1. The editors REALLY loved Da’Vonne. For someone eliminated pretty quickly in the competition, they gave her a ton of air time! Meanwhile, Zakiyah got almost nothing.
2. The Final Four may be the cheesiest and most obvious alliance name ever. Paul, Victor, Nicole, and Corey comprise the group.
3. Michelle didn’t cry at the nomination ceremony! Granted, she doesn’t feel that she is the target — for now. Episode Grade: B-.
4. After COREY OF ALL PEOPLE got the final Care Package, we’re beyond glad that nonsense is over.
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