‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: All eyes on Frank (again); a Natalie and James preview
There’s something both odd and hilarious about the present state of life in the “Big Brother 18” house. After all, it’s rather remarkable that despite Tiffany being the likely target this week, everyone is really talking more about Frank.
In particular, today Paulie and Corey are doing their best to mastermind Paul of all people into being aboard with the plan to get him out. Not only that, but they want him to be the one to tell Bronte that Frank is the one who nominated her this week with the Roadkill. While we don’t like every single thing Paulie has done this season, we have to admit: Our respect for him as a player grows every day. He’s got a little bit of his brother’s charm, but a little bit of Derrick’s skills. He’s fine telling other people what to do and allow them to be in the crosshairs as a result of these actions. It’s something Derrick did often with people like Zach and Caleb.
Frank, meanwhile, continues to be as delusional as ever about his status in the house, feeling as though he’s in a great spot and that his next two targets are Da’Vonne and then Paulie. He wants to see Michelle win the next Head of Household, and then use the Roadkill himself so that he can get Day on the block. From there, maybe he has the configuration to get her out? It’s hard to say, since mostly you are trying to figure out what’s going on in the head of a crazy man.
Tonight’s episode is coming up shortly; you can see a sneak peek below all about Natalie and James! One thing that is interesting to see is a DR where Natalie says that she would date James in real life, which she also said on the feeds.
Head over here to get some other “Big Brother” news right away! Also, sign up over here to get some other TV news on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)
July 11, 2016 @ 1:30 am
the house needs new rules no one but HOH makes who goes up on block .
no one in HOH bedroom but HOH at any time > or why have one .
They need watch the F words this family show not right to watch them use F word all time like it nice. SICK OF IT>>>>
big brother need have some one lose rights if they use f word.
this show loseing watchers by have F this all time .
Use be fun to watch them have fun for 18 years but they need to be boot from house using F word .
that paul one bad guys month need bar soap badly.
July 11, 2016 @ 12:39 am
I don’t get it, why is everyone getting all bent out of shape with Frank ? He’s a jokester plain & simple . Da’vonne is overreacting !! Frank was one of my all time favorites. I guess I’m missing something ?
Matt Carter
July 11, 2016 @ 2:52 am
I liked Frank in S14 and was rooting for him week 1 until this came up — he’s just shown he lacks self-awareness. He may think of what he’s doing as “jokes,” but he’s not perceiving that other people or viewers find them offensive or hurtful. Perception matters, and he’s not getting that.