‘Devious Maids’ season 4, episode 6 review: Genevieve joins the circle

Devious MaidsThe “Circle” is the big mystery on this season of “Devious Maids” and more of the pieces are starting to fall into place, just not everything. We know that Ben, Fabian and Kyle are all part of it with Frances as the head of it all, but what is this groups ultimate gain? They seem to be targeting rich people, so we are thinking that this is some sort of cult against the 1%, but all of these delicious layers have not been peeled back yet.

Zoila: Kyle and Zoila are in a relationship now and she’s feeling guilty about keeping it from his mother. She wants their relationship out in the open, so she asks Adrian to help set it up that Frances catches her and Kyle together. It works perfectly and Frances finds out, but she screams at Zoila telling her she’s no longer welcome in her house. Zoila tells Kyle if he doesn’t stand up to his mother then the romance is over. Who is he going to chose? Kyle stands up to his mother, telling her that he’s going to continue seeing her. When he tells Zoila she’s happy to hear and then less happy when he asks to stay with her.

Carmen: Daniella is gone, but when an opportunity arises in the music business she takes it for herself pretending to be her daughter. When she gets to the audition they try to tell her she’s too old, but she refuses to leave. She dances so well they they ask her to be in the video, until she throws her back out. She’s feeling so low that she ends up hooking up with the nerdy coffee shop guy.

Marisol: She was excited to be working with this highly known director, but he’s changing everything to do with her script. She tries to find a balance with him, but when he wants to change the main character (based on her) into a man dressed as a woman she is at her wits end. Peter wants to help smooth it some things out, but now the director wants Marisol off the project… and Peter chooses to remove Marisol as the screenwriter. Is this the end of their relationship? Could be.

Rosie: She gets in touch with Fabian asking him about the circle, but he says she can’t join because it’s too posh for her. When Rosie learns that Peri was in the circle she talks Genevieve into joining the circle to get more information. Genevieve calls Fabian and starts the process to join which includes a video taped lie detector test of very personal questions. Rosie thinks that maybe Peri’s video reveals a secret that got her killed. Ben knows that Rosie is getting too close and crashes his car into hers to silence her. Frances is upset with his action, because Tucker was in the car with Rosie and if they lose Tucker they lose everything… and with that we lost Ben. Frances’ tea is a killer!

We also got a cameo from Killface again! Spence, Killface and some of the other men put on a play for family day at the prison and it was a lot of fun to see him back. It was also unsurprising to see Adrian try to pay off Reverend James to stay away from Evelyn, but will he take it? Not only did he not break up with her, but he gave the money to Evelyn! We love Evelyn and Adrian together, but it’s been fun to see what these two are like apart. Episode grade: B

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