‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Bridgette’s first move
For those of you wanting entertaining “Big Brother” live feeds, we feel like the show delivered a rather welcome gift to you on Thursday night in the form of Bridgette getting a little bit of power in her hands. She is not someone who has done much of anything so far this season, but this allows her to have an opportunity to show where her true allegiance lies.
Also, this week just so happens to be the most important one yet when it comes to the Roadkill Competition, since whoever wins it could flip the script. The funny thing here is that there was so much talk over the past few days about getting out Frank, and now he’s safe once again and nobody can take a swing at him.
So who does Bridgette really up on the block? She told Frank that for now, her leading choices seem to be Tiffany, Corey, Nicole, and Paul, with the latter continuing his status as a super-pawn for a little while longer. Frank has already told her that he wants Tiffany out of the game this week if given the opportunity, and he wants to control this seemingly as much as he possibly can. What will probably be the most interesting part of this week is if someone tells Bridgette about almost everyone in the house being after Frank, and what would happen if he started to sniff this out. We obviously think it would change who he wants out of the game, but would he be able to convince her of anything?
This should be an interesting couple of days ahead; hopefully by the morning, we’ll get a better sense of precisely what is going to happen next.
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