‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Round and round and round we go…

Da'Vonne -The first thing that we should be surprised about in our final “Big Brother 18” update of the day is that there is less than 24 hours until the next live eviction, and the guy about to go home in Victor is doing absolutely nothing. How clueless can this guy be? The self-described “Puerto Rican sensation” could have at least tried to fight for his life, and while he campaigned at first after the Veto Ceremony, he seems to think that those initial conversations were binding and that they would hold forever.

As it turns out, not so far! Victor’s going home, and the vote could end up being unanimous since nobody would want to tick off Tiffany. There is a part of us that wants to see a hinky-vote thrown on Tiffany, though, just because it would cause a little chaos on the feeds.

Most of tonight has consisted of people other than Da’Vonne lying around, and Da’Vonne going and talking about targeting various people. At one point, she spoke with Tiffany about splitting up Nicole and Corey; then, she spoke with Paulie about getting rid of Frank. The good news for now is that her double-dealings have been a little quieter than Frank’s, but not by much. She’s even thrown Zakiyah under the bus at times tonight. Sooner or later, this is all going to blow up.

Do we want to see Day in power Thursday? Absolutely, but we have to see if it can happen, since we’ve never seen her win a solo competition on the show. Also, it would be good entertainment to see if she forces her hand at all.

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