‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Closing out the Fourth of July
How much did the Fourth of July end up impacting life in the “Big Brother 18” house? We’ve certainly seen it play a huge role in the past in terms of shaking up things in the past (especially in terms of there being a huge party), but it certainly feels like there was a more muted affair this time other than some food and an indoor lockdown.
Were there any huge changes in the vote when the feeds came back up after a brief outage earlier? Not too much, since for now it continues to look like Victor is going home in a pretty clear decision, and with that most people have moved on to next week. Frank and James continue to preach the gospel about Tiffany, while Tiffany has spoken repeatedly to Bronte, Natalie, and others about getting rid of Frank down the road. She’s trying to rally many of the women together, and in turn, James is getting super-nervous that she is basically just trying to be Vanessa all over again.
Also, there are some concerns from Tiffany’s side over Bridgette, but despite talk that she may be Frank’s puppet, we really don’t think she is. She’s not an amazing player, but she’s better than the house probably claims that she is.
For the most part, the main thing we are curious about is if all of the time between now and the eviction changes anything since that is still over two days away, and given that Tiffany is on the block, there is always a chance for something crazy to happen.
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