‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Week 1 Eviction – Head of Household expectations
Before you ask why we’re labeling this “Big Brother” article “week 1” given that the houseguests have been in there for much longer than that, the simple answer is that it keeps things a little clearer. Also, we consider Glenn’s eviction to be more or less a “week zero” move since he did not go home by traditional means. We could rant about that for a while, but there is really no point in doing so.
So what’s going to happen tonight? As of this hour (which is close to 3:00 p.m. Big Brother Time), Jozea is going home and we’re almost 100% confident that this is not changing. The only thing that could happen is him finding out in advance, but there have been plans in pace to keep that from happening. Even the allies of his who do know (Bridgette’s been told a lot over the past day or so) have been told that it is better for him to just be blindsided headed out the door.
Ultimately, Nicole is the one really responsible for his eviction at the end of the day, but people like Frank, Da’Vonne, Zakiyah, and Michelle have all had a big role in being key numbers in it. We’ll probably “tribute” (if you want to call it that) Jozea a little bit more when we get to tonight.
As for the next Head of Household competition, our feeling is that it will be somewhat skill-based and take place during the live show. Usually they don’t do endurance this early in the season, though that would be rather fun to break down on the live feeds.
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