‘Game of Thrones’ season 7: Emilia Clarke lays out Dany’s advantages
If you are to look at where Dany is at present now going into “Game of Thrones” season 7, one thing is incredibly clear: She’s in quite possibly the best spot to take the Iron Throne. While Cersei may have it now, there is utterly no real evidence that she’ll be able to keep it since what she has for the most part is The Mountain coupled with the Lannister army. Dany’s got the firepower, an army, and likability that Cersei simply does not have.
We don’t want to get repetitive, so instead let’s just allow Emilia Clarke to explain some of what Dany has going for her instead in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly:
“If we talk about this: basically, I’ve got ships, I’ve got manpower, I’ve got dragons that breath fire, and I apparently cannot be killed. I don’t even have an attractive man who wants to take his shirt off anywhere near me now, so there are no distractions. Though we have yet to see [Peter Dinklage] without his clothes on. The only thing missing is Jorah. He’s gotta come back. I said I can’t rule the Seven Kingdoms without him … But as with Game of Thrones, you know when your character is looking good, that’s when you know you’re not safe. Because [the writers are] all, ‘Oh, do you like her? We’ll kill her!'”
There are only a few things that we could see standing in Dany’s way from seizing the throne at this point. There is still Euron Greyjoy that she has to be concerned over, since we haven’t seen his fleet yet and they could meet at sea. They’re likely much more experienced in this venue. Meanwhile, there are also the White Walkers, and given the advisers around her, we’re not altogether sure just how knowledgeable many of them are about them.
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