‘Big Brother 18’: What to expect when live feeds arrive
Tonight, “Big Brother” is going to evict its first houseguest, and with that, we’re going to have a chance to also see the next Head of Household Competition and nominations. The show is getting through a lot over the course of the first two episodes, so we are definitely intrigued to see where things go from here … and to see it all play out tonight on the feeds!
If you have not heard, the feeds start at 1:00 a.m. Eastern time, or 10:00 p.m. in the Big Brother house. We’re going to have updates in the sidebar to the right for the majority of the season, so that is something that you can look forward to seeing. With the way in which the first week has gone our whole timing has been all thrown off; it’s possible that the Veto has been played, but typically the producers wait until the weekend for it. Either way, you’ll probably get a lot of houseguests excited to bring you all sorts of craziness tonight, once they realize that the feeds are up.
In other news, the photo above is the official cast pool photo that really feels more like a game of sardines than anything. CBS releases these every year, and this time the theme here seems to be 1) abs and 2) showing off the new pool that the houseguests have. We’ll see how many of them actually get in it the remainder of the season, since there are always a few who have a tendency to stay away.
If you want to get some other news right now when it comes to “Big Brother,” just be sure to head over to the link here now!
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