‘Game of Thrones’ season 6, episode 10 (finale) photo: Walder Frey returns

Walder -

We know that there are few people out there probably dying to see Walder Frey back on “Game of Thrones” anytime soon, and it is easy to understand why. After all, this guy is a pretty terrible person with a reputation for doing some pretty terrible things.

Now that we’ve said that, you still gotta brace yourself for his return! The photo above is your first look at David Bradley’s famed villain back in action after his earlier appearance this season, and this time around, he’s speaking with Jaime Lannister, possibly about the next move. We imagine that in some ways, Walder has to be thrilled with the fact that Riverrun is now in the possession of House Lannister after he and Brienne negotiated a way for most of House Tully to head north. She got what she wanted in her battle against Ramsay Bolton at Winterfell, and he achieved his goal of completely his mission as soon as possible.

Yet, is Walder going to be thrilled that much of House Tully is still out there? Probably not. While it’d be great to see this character get what’s coming to him, it’s hard to imagine someone currently at The Twins wanting to kill him of the group there. What’s the incentive for Jaime to do it? We do think that Walder’s day is coming, but it would probably take some sort of huge stretch for the show to find away to kill him now … it’s either that or a very large time jump.

Rest assured that we’re going to have so much more to say on the finale, including more photo analysis, before it airs. Stay tuned!

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