‘UnREAL’ season 2: Recap season 1 (and look ahead) with new Lifetime featurette


The second season of “UnREAL” is coming to Lifetime on Monday, June 6, and the folks over at Lifetime have devised a unique way for newbies to the show to play catch-up: A handy video that over the course of just 20 minutes, tells you both the story of the first season and then also sets up the second one.

This video (which you can see over here) starts off by explaining the premise of “Everlasting,” and showcases some of the complicated dynamics that eventually lead to Rachel and Quinn both losing potential love interests in Adam and Chet. They still have each other working on the show, but they’ve certainly underwent a wide array of bumps in getting from point A to point B.

Moving into season 2, the two women are in many ways more in control of their show than ever before. However, at the same exact time Chet is going to return with a challenge to their reign, so to speak, and to go along with that, they’ve got new network challenges that come from the show putting its first black lead on the air in Darius, a football player who wants to do the right thing, but finds this job far more difficult than he likely imagined. Also, the show has seemingly cast people solely for the purpose of creating as much craziness surrounding him as possible.

Ultimately, what we’re really trying to say here is that this is going to be crazy, and hopefully a lot of fun to watch.

If you are interested in getting some other news when it comes to “UnREAL,” be sure to head over to this link right now! Also, sign up over here to secure some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Lifetime.)

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