‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: The first eviction, and did Tim Dormer, Nikki Grahame enter the game?

Loveita -In “Big Brother Canada,” pawns go home and blah blah blah. We’ve heard it all so many times before.

Let’s start with what we liked about the first eviction episode of the season. The production value was certainly there, we like the house, and we also very much like how fast-paced and fun the Power of Veto Competition proved itself to be. The show did its best to cram in the important plot points over the course of an hour.

Here’s the issue: The show tried to in roughly two episodes what the U.S. version of “Big Brother” often has three or four to do, and that is to set up the story, the alliances, and allow us to get to know who people are before the first eviction show. That made the entire show feel rushed, since we don’t quite understand why Paige was evicted other than that some people wanted to keep Kelsey in the game because she and Jared are targets because of a potential showmance. We’re not sure how Loveita feels about this, if any of her allies are upset, or really if things are far more complicated in the game than they seem. Brothers Philippe and Nicholas won the Veto, and they opted to not use it.

In the end, we feel for Paige a lot because she was a huge fan of the show, and it seemed like she was really going to go far. Unfortunately, Loveita played this really badly, telling Kelsey outright that she was a target and also telling Paige she was a pawn. She made it easy for other people to turn against her, and seemed to be a little bit happy with the puppetmaster role.

Now, let’s get to the international results: Tim Dormer and Nikki Grahame are entering the game! We feel for Jase Wirey and Veronica Graf, but at the same time it felt like the writing was on the wall here for a while. Now, the game can really get going. Grade: B-.

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