‘Game of Thrones’ season 6: Ian McShane drops hints on mystery character

LogoIt was not too long ago that we first heard the news regarding Ian McShane signing on for a mystery role on the upcoming sixth season of “Game of Thrones,” and we now know a little more information in regards to just  who he is going to play.

To kick this off, let’s start things off here with what the actor had to say in a new interview on BBC’s “Breakfast” program, with a major warning for spoilers:

“My character is an ex-warrior who has become a peacenik … So I have this group of peaceful … sort of a cult, a peaceful tribe. I bring back a much loved character who everyone thinks is dead.” 

We’re hesitant to say too much here for those who are not familiar with the A Song of Ice and Fire novels from George R.R. Martin, but for the most part we do think that this character sounds quite a bit like the Elder Brother, someone from the Quiet Isle, a community of warriors who are trying to reform their ways and become a little more like regular members of society. As for what could this could be, let’s just say that it could be someone who you saw the character of Brienne interact with at one point, and it was not someone who we necessarily die die on-screen. It’s possible that we are speaking about this character, but at the same time this is still a vague-enough tease that it is hard to necessarily say for sure.

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