‘The X-Files’ boosts renewal case in live+3 ratings; ‘The Big Bang Theory’ strong

X Files -

It’s been a while since we’ve discussed specific DVR ratings on CarterMatt, with one of the biggest reasons for that being that there simply has not been a whole lot of great stuff for us to discuss as of late when it comes to the numbers. Things are only really notable these days when a hit is ballooning out even more, or when a show that is struggling suddenly makes a great case for renewal with huge numbers in live+3 or live+7 data.

For the case of this article, we’re specifically talking about a pair of shows in “The Big Bang Theory” and “The X-Files” that are doing more of the former. Per TVbythenumbers, the excellent February 1 installment of the show entitled “Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster” went all the way from a 2.7 up to a 4.0 in the 18-49 demographic when some of these live+3 numbers were factored in. While we thought that the show was for the most part a slam dunk for renewal even before these ratings came out, this has to make it even more so.

Do we think that “The X-Files” is going to be coming back for a full season anytime soon? No, but we could see this show coming back more and more in the future for 6-episode batches. These suit the show well.

Also, we wanted to give a brief shout-out in here to “The Big Bang Theory” for rising all the way up to a 5.4 in live+3. While the show doesn’t get the same live ratings that it did maybe a season or two ago for the most part, it’s still killing it, and the more you look the numbers, the more you realize that many of its viewers are still there, but still watching via other means.

Want to get some other news when it comes to “The X-Files”? Then be sure to head over to the link here now! Also, sign up over at this link in the event you want some other news on everything we cover at CarterMatt, sent right over to you via our official newsletter. (Photo: Fox.)

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