‘The Originals’ season 3, episode 10 reaction: Show boss on surprising Cami – Jackson moves

Originals -The executive producers and writers behind “The Originals” are certainly very good at coming up with surprises. Going in Friday night’s winter premiere, the assumption pretty much across the board was that Cami was going to come back. Few people are interested in losing a regular from the show, especially one that is so closely tied to Klaus.

With this being said, however, almost nobody thought that getting her back would involve having to lose someone else. Jackson is now gone from the show, and it was the perfect bit of misdirect in order to have people think that they were getting one thing, only to be handed something else instead.

So why choose this particular strategy to mask the death of a major character? Speaking in a new interview with TV Guide, executive producer Michael Narducci had the following message to pass along:

“Everybody went into the episode thinking, ‘Gosh, I hope Cami is not dead’ and not expecting that they would have to worry about one of their other favorite characters not making it through the episode. Even in the midst of life we are in the midst of death … It’s going to get worse before it gets better.”

We suppose in one way the death of Jackson is not something we’re completely shocked about, mostly because of the idea that so many people are invested in seeing Hayley eventually with Elijah; yet, we thought that this was the sort of thing that would happen at the end of a season, and hardly during a winter premiere setting up the story ahead.

If you are interested in getting some other news on “The Originals,” head over here to see a promo for what lies ahead! Also, sign up over here right now to score some other TV news on everything we cover at CarterMatt via our official newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)

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