‘The Flash’ season 2, episode 11 reaction: Will Patty Spivot, Eobard Thawne return soon?

FlashThe Flash” Tuesday night was about many things, but near the top of the list has to be a wide array of arrivals and departures. For example, we had the arrival-of-sorts for Hunter Zolomon, a man known in the comics for playing a very notorious villain.

Meanwhile, this episode also marked the arrival and the departure of the Reverse-Flash for now, at least the incarnation played by Matt Letscher. The Flash sent him back to the future in an effort to ensure that nothing happened to the timeline, but now he knows way more about STAR Labs than he did previously. Based on what executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told The Hollywood Reporter in a new interview, there are hopes to see more of this story at some point in the future:

“…You can’t keep a good Reverse-Flash down. (Laughs.) Matt is a friend and one of the nicest, most talented people I’ve ever met. I can’t envision a universe where we don’t see him again soon.”

So can the same be said for Patty Spivot, who also made a decision to leave after uncovering once and for all that Barry was the Flash under her own accord? It certainly seems like it:

“We love working with Shantel [VanSanten] and we’ll always hope that we get to see her again in the future. But in the immediate future, this is her goodbye. We very consciously did not kill her and we all loved working with her and how much the audience liked her, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we haven’t seen the last of Patty Spivot.”

If you missed it, head over here to get our full review now for Tuesday night’s new episode of “The Flash.” Also, sign up over here in the event you want some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)

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