‘The Amazing Race 28’ spotlight: Will Cameron and Darius Benson bring some fun to this season?

Cam and Darius -We’re back today with our second edition of our “Amazing Race 28” spotlight series, and this time around we’re talking a look at two brothers who have a chance to win a million bucks, expand their social-media reach, and also give us some pretty good entertainment along the way. Cameron and Darius Benson are known personalities from the Vine world, with most of their post being humor-related. They’re going to have opportunities to make us smile over the course of the season, but there is a competition at the center of it.

Can they win? This is something that we’re going to dive into further below!

Relationship – Brothers.

Claim to fame – As we mentioned, Vine. You can see Darius’ account here, whereas Cam’s is over here. These are two guys who have been able to make a living at a very young age (Darius is 22, cam 19) leveraging social-media content, and it’s impressive. They excel in clips that allow them to present a funny spin on an everyday situation, or ones that allow them to play off of their own high energy.

Strengths – These two guys may be among the most physical teams taking part this season. They’re both cross-country runners, and have also taken part in an array of other outdoor sports and activities. They’ll probably be able to blow throw some of the strength or speed-based tasks, and we don’t see them being too afraid to anything danger-oriented. We also get the sense that they are competitive, and we don’t necessarily think everyone this season is so much as just interested in promoting their brand. They’re going to want to win.

Weaknesses – One of the thing we are concerned about here is that these two guys aren’t extremely well-traveled, and they are also extremely young. Even if they are able to run faster than everyone else and are pretty smart to go along with it, will they have the patience and the life experience to relax when things start to go wrong? There are plenty of younger teams who have won over the years, but in saying that they are “triple threats” in the video below Cam and Darius are making it very clear why other teams are going to want to U-Turn them out of the race: You don’t want these guys in the final leg. They’ll probably win if they make it there.

Prediction – It’s hard to imagine a situation where Cam and Darius are gone early. They may make mistakes, but they’re athletic enough to make up for some of them. Our feeling is that they’ll make it until around the final six or so, and then someone will probably U-Turn them out before they have a chance to run away with the prize in the end. We do hope they last for a while, mostly because we find the majority of their social-media posts pretty funny.

How strong do you think Cam and Darius will be this season? Vote below, and head over here to check out some other “Amazing Race” spotlight coverage! Also, sign up over here to book some further TV scoop on everything we cover, sent right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)



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