‘The Flash’ season 2 spoilers: Matt Letscher returning as the real Eobard Thawne

FlashIs the Reverse-Flash done for good on “The Flash“? We know that Eobard Thawne (stuck within the body of Earth-1 Harrison Wells) died at the hands of Eddie at the end of the first season, but in the world of superheroes, anything is possible.

That is why you shouldn’t be altogether stunned to learn that Matt Letscher is poised to return as the original Eobard for the upcoming 11th episode of season 2, which is titled (rather fittingly) “The Reverse-Flash Returns.” Here is what executive producer Todd Helbing teased on the subject to Entertainment Weekly:

“His impossible return to Central City puts a member of the S.T.A.R. Labs team in unexpected danger, forcing Barry to make a life-changing decision.”

If we were a betting man, our guess would be that this incarnation of the Reverse-Flash is one coming from Earth-2 or another world in the multiverse, and was probably sent to Central City by Zoom as one of the biggest tests Barry has faced so far on the series. We have a hard time knowing how else the character could be back, given that we don’t just think he gets to go and inhabit his original body like a reanimated corpse now that Harrison 1.0 is dead and buried.

Regardless of how it is possible, we think that any opportunity to see more of this particular adversary is good news. It gives Barry an opponent who you know is formidable, and that’s not something that you get all of the time on the show.

“The Flash” returns to The CW with new episodes on Tuesday, January 19.

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