‘Finding Carter’ season 2, episode 23 review: A confrontation with Jared turns ugly
We wonder if MTV always intended for the season 2 finale for “Finding Carter” to be a two-hour affair, since the first hour (which is technically the 23rd episode of the season) contained a conclusion so shocking that it could have easily served as a good cliffhanger for the week.
What we saw was pretty shocking: Jared knocking Carter unconscious after the two had a heated confrontation at the bar, the culmination in a series of actions that turned violent. Ben was going to be taken from Lori after his arrest and taken into the system, which had her furious about Jared forced him into this situation.
Other than Bird’s pregnancy and trying to move forward, the big story thread in part one was fairly simple: Jared is a terrible person, and he was willing to anything to protect himself. That even means hurting others that he claimed to once “care for.” However, everything that happened following this is going to be what shapes the rest of the story…
Ultimately, it’s hard to really even grade this episode separately given that it is airing on the same night as the finale, but this is the sort of daring “Finding Carter” we hoped for most of the season in between Crash’s return, relationship drama, and everything for everyone coming to a head. Also, we’re glad to see that David is finally back into the equation after being gone on that book tour for such a lengthy span of time. We’ll have more soon. Grade: B+.
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