‘Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance’ finale rankings: Could Spencer, Kelley, or Jeremy win?


This has been a crazy-fun season of “Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance,” and while we’re not sure we would call it our favorite season of the show (it has been at times impersonal and some characters are under-developed), it’s definitely in the top third still and could rise or fall depending on this final episode.

So who is in the best position now to win the whole game? This is what we’re going to attempt to figure out in our final show rankings of the season. We’re looking at this point first and foremost at whether or not a given player can win in the game, but also challenge ability, strategy, if they have an immunity idol, and the edit.

6. Keith Nale (last week: 6) – This is a season where strategy is almost sure to be rewarded over being a nice guy or winning a couple of challenges in the end. Maybe we can see Keith getting a vote from one or two people in the end depending on the combination, but with a final three virtually confirmed by CBS’ recent “four tribal councils left” tease, we can’t see a group of people there he could beat.

5. Kimmi Kappenberg (5) – What Kimmi is going to need at this point is to make it to the end with Keith and Tasha, and then hope that Kass helps rally against the latter while she also gets votes from Jeremy, Stephen, and a few others. It is unlikely, but we presume possible.

4. Tasha Fox (2) – Out of the people remaining we feel like Tasha’s got a good shot at making it to the end of the game, and maybe even finishing in second place if someone like Keith or maybe Kimmi is there. We just don’t imagine her winning. Since Angkor, she hasn’t been directly behind too many strategic moves, and she’s probably not getting votes from Kass, Abi, and maybe by extension Ciera.

3. Jeremy Collins (3) – We’ve really went back and forth on this for some time. Jeremy has been steady throughout the season. He’s kept a tight alliance, has another immunity idol, and has worked hard to ensure that he knows what is going on. However, his immunity idol saves him only once, he hasn’t shown to be a huge immunity threat, and nobody should want to go to the end with him. We could also see a scenario where Spencer beats him in the end.

2. Kelley Wentworth (1) – We can envision scenarios where Kelley makes it to the end without Jeremy or Spencer and wins in a landslide. She’s played hard from start to finish, and we certainly think right now that she’s at least a lock for the final four with an idol and other big threats in the game.

1. Spencer Bledsoe (4) – Sure, Spencer doesn’t have an idol, but he seems to have the edit on his side. Nobody has received the narrative of growing through the experience that Spencer has, just as nobody has made as many moves in the post-merge to protect themselves. Most impressive is that Spencer’s really done most of this without a consistent #2 ally. If he gets to the end, we don’t know too many people who would refuse to vote for him.

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