‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 7 spoilers: Is there reason for comparisons between new actress, Nina Dobrev?

tvd -There are many things coming up on the second half of “The Vampire Diaries” season 7, but one of the most intriguing storylines revolves around Rayna. She is not a character we know too much about now other than that she is a vampire hunter, but there have been many people online that have compared actress Leslie-Ann Huff to Nina Dobrev in terms of a physical resemblance.

Is Huff playing some sort of half-doppelganger? It doesn’t look like it; executive producer Caroline Dries made it clear to TVLine that there was no intention behind casting this actress in particular because of her appearance:

“That’s definitely just a coincidence … We looked at a lot of actors, and I was like, ‘I think she looks exactly like Nina.’ I was convinced otherwise. I actually haven’t met her yet in person, though, and everyone says she doesn’t look like her in person. She’s a great actress, and she’s perfect for the role. … We’ll get to see her present-day story and then everything will click when you see her in the future.”

There’s one theory that can therefore end. We’re sure that Elena will be continuously referenced on the show in some way moving forward, but that is something we’ll just have to get into and discuss more over time. We’re going to have many opportunities to do just that, given that the new season is not going to be premiering on The CW until we get to Friday, January 29. It’s a new night, and with that come new challenges.

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