‘Luther’ season 4: Idris Elba talks idea of adapting character into movie (as opposed to James Bond)


For Idris Elba at this point, the James Bond rumors are impossible to escape. Most of it has been brought on simply be the desire for many to see him in the role online, though the actor to be fair hasn’t done much to squelch the talk until recently.

Now promoting the upcoming fourth season of “Luther” (which is really just going to be one lengthy special in America come December 17), Elba is making it his priority to sell John Luther as a character who could work on the big screen. Here is what he had to say on the subject to Entertainment Weekly:

“The idea is that we’ve obviously distilled it via the season to a place where we feel like we can tell the Luther story in a succinct package. This represents the TV version of that. I actually think that we can do a film version of it.”

Do we think that a film version of “Luther” would make money? It’s pretty easy to imagine that it could, given that there is such a love for the character already, and with the right budget and promotion, people would pay to go see it. Sure, John is not nearly as glamorous as Bond in many ways, but he does figure out ways repeatedly to get the job done.

We’re going to have more coverage of “Luther” as we get closer to the special, but based on what Elba is saying these days, it appears increasingly unlikely that we are anywhere near the end of the road when it comes to this character.

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