‘The Flash’ season 2 spoilers: First look at The Flash, Zoom in battle!

Zoom -

Next week’s new episode of “The Flash” is entitled “Enter Zoom” for a reason. This installment marks one of your first real opportunities to see the feared speedster in action over on Earth-1, as Barry and the team at STAR Labs use Linda Park as a diversion to trick him into thinking that Dr. Light is trying to communicate with him in some form. What are the end results? Based on the photo above, a violent showdown that doesn’t end well for Barry.

The unfortunate thing for Barry is that Zoom is not one of those comic-book villains by our estimation that really has an interest in seeing him squirm / suffer; instead, he just wants him dead, and really does not care all that much about when it happens or how. If it can be done, he is more than happy to move on to the next thing in his quest to be perpetually the fastest man alive.

So who is Zoom? Right now the easiest guess is that it is an alternate-universe version of someone we already know, and given that Harrison Wells claims that he created Zoom, it has to be someone from Earth-2 we haven’t met yet. Therefore, we’ve got candidates like a Cisco, a Ronnie Raymond, a Henry Allen, a Joe West, or even Barry himself. Granted, it feels like if Grant Gustin was playing two roles it would get a little bit expensive as time went on.

The only thing that we’re fairly certain of right now is that it looks like this is going to be a fun mystery to watch unravel over time.

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