‘The Amazing Race 27’ episode 6 review: Did a major comeback happen in France?

Amazing RaceWe start off this latest review of “The Amazing Race” with a question: Was the first part of this leg revolving the bungee jump really that important? Our biggest pet peeve for this show is when they choose to give us stuff in the legs that is negated entirely by an equalizer, or something that is product placement. This was both.

Anyhow, let’s pick up in France, since the rest of this was really rather exciting. Thanks in part to them getting a jump aboard a train Justin & Diana were able to get some distance from some other teams … which was good, because performance-wise this was probably their worst leg since the premiere. The two are starting to feel the after-effects of spending a ton of time together, and they just gotta take a deep breath and relax. You know things are weird when you are on a Logan & Chris level of bickering. Luckily, they finished in first place … but we’re going to keep on racing! The remaining teams are going to Rotterdam.

Speaking of the aforementioned bickering team, the two parties found themselves in last place quickly after a mistake during the flight-based Roadblock, which was probably one of the cooler tasks visually. It wasn’t as amazing as the French rapping (which was tremendous for so many reasons), but it was at least better than the whole “jump from a random place” task since there was something else you had to do to go along with it.

Basically from the moment the paparazzi were behind, the leg was all about whether or not they could catch up … and they did! Not that it mattered, since Denise & James Earl certainly did not find this rap battle nearly as fun as we did, and they are clearly in last place. The non-elimination here is something that we appreciate (most “to be continued” legs) if it’s happening, since we really like these two and it’d be a bummer to see them go out when Denise is trying so ahrd.

One last thing we’ll say tonight is cheers to the cheerleaders! We weren’t sure we were going to like them preseason because most cheerleader / model types on this show are boring, but Tiffany & Krista are fun and their performance during the rap battle was the best moment of the episode. Also, they finished 2nd this leg, their best position so far. This entire episode, potentially-sad ending aside if Denise & James Earl go home, was a heck of a lot of fun. Grade: B+.

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